Fancy learning to windsurf? How about performing on the open stage, singing in a local choir or ringing our historic church bells? From safeguarding native wildlife to organising town-wide events, you can become part of the community in Barton upon Humber by joining a club or society.
There are so many opportunities to pick up a new pastime, brush up on your skills and meet like-minded people. A selection of clubs and societies are listed on this page, but for a wider picture of everything on offer, visit some of the tourist attractions in the town and read the Bartonian magazine that is delivered to every household. If you take part in a club or society in Barton upon Humber that isn’t listed below, please get in touch.
Parades on a Monday from 7.30pm to 9pm at Humber Road Barton upon Humber, DN18 5BN. Open to 12-18 year olds.
Detachments conduct weekly training throughout the year, plus Company weekends away and a one or two week Annual Camp.
Training includes:
We also have an enthusiastic sporting syllabus and have competed nationally against other ACF Counties in Football, Rugby and Swimming. This provides skills, qualifications and experiences that can benefit a cadet way beyond the boundaries of the ACF and are in fact skills for life.
Are you aged over 18? If so, have you thought about becoming an Army Cadet Force adult volunteer? There is no set profile for an ACF adult volunteer and you do not need to have any military experience. No particular experience is required and we provide all necessary training. If you are available one or two evenings a week and want to do something different with your free time, this could be exactly what you are looking for.
When you speak to our adult volunteers, they will tell you they enjoy the fun, friendship, action and adventure the ACF provides. They also enjoy making a real difference to young people in their community –If yourself, a family member or a friend would be interested in joining then you can register an interest by either speaking to one of our team on 01377 319952 or by emailing Alternatively, you can register an interest by visiting our website or enquire at your local detachment.
Address: Clapson Lane, Waterside, Barton upon Humber, DN18 5BQ
Telephone: 01377 319952
Situated at the western edge of the town, overlooking the Humber Bridge, the Barton Allotment Society offers full and half plots, overseen by a committee with regular events throughout the year.
The BCCRP looks after and promotes the Barton to Cleethorpes line and tries to encourage people to use the line to visit places of interest. The website contains useful and historical information about the railway line and places to visit along it as well as train times and information.
The group meets at St. Mary’s Church Hall – the price is £2.50 to non-members and free to members.
Address: Burgate, Barton upon Humber
Telephone: for more information please contact
Celebrating traditional farming skills through the ages – classic, vintage and horse-drawn ploughing of the land.
Telephone: Elizabeth Elliott, 01469 530271
Barton Belles Women’s Institute meets at Trinity Methodist Church, Holydyke, Barton on Humber in the Ladies Parlour, DN18 5JP, at 7.30pm on the first Thursday of the month. For more information, speak to Jean Mumby on 01652 632312.
Address: Wilderspin National School, Queen Street, Barton upon Humber, DN18 5QP
Telephone: 01652 632312
We run a variety of educational opportunities for adults in Barton, courses of 2 hours a week for 7 or 10 weeks or several Saturday afternoon talks including tea on various subjects. All held at Wilderspin National School, Queen Street.
The Camera Club meets every Wednesday evening at 7.30pm at the The Corn Exchange (upstairs), 8 Market Place, Barton upon Humber, DN18 5DA. New members are very welcome to join – for more information, please contact us by email.
Address: The Corn Exchange, 8 Market Place, Barton upon Humber, DN18 5DA
Barton upon Humber Civic Society was formed in 1969, aiming to preserve the historic fabric of the town and to promote a healthy interest in the town, including high standards of planning and building design.
The Civic Society has a wide local membership and is run entirely by volunteers, with a programme of monthly lectures and events throughout the year. They have also produced a number of walking trails around the town, which are available from public buildings and also on the Hidden History app available to download on the homepage of this website.
New members are always welcome and details of how to join are on the lecture programme leaflet or available from the comprehensive website.
Barton Community Band perform at a wide range of engagements throughout the year, both locally and further afield. The band also regularly competes in the Brass Band Championships of Great Britain. In 2023 we came 2nd in the North Of England 3rd Section Championships and therefore represented The North of England at the National Finals in September 2023, where we were delighted to come 3rd.
Rehearsals take place on Tuesday & Thursday evenings at Barton Corn Exchange and any new players are always welcome.
Telephone: Stuart Ross 07488 327053
We meet every Sunday at 10:30am & 6pm, as well as other meetings & groups throughout the week for all ages. Throughout the year – especially around Easter & Christmas – we organise special events & services. Please check our Church website for further details.
Minister: Jeff Higgins (please get in touch via the Church website)
The Club is open to women living in Barton and the surrounding villages. It gives members and their guests an opportunity to have a meal, socialise and to hear speakers on a wide range of topics. Currently meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month at Humber Bridge Country Hotel, Far Ings Road, Barton upon Humber, DN18 5RG.
Address: Far Ings Road, Barton upon Humber, DN18 5RG
Telephone: Enquiries to the Secretary, Mrs M. Butterfield, on 01652 632603.
Barton Muse is an informal gathering of those who love poetry, where we meet together and organise events to celebrate the art. Meetings are usually held on the last Sunday of the month, and new members are welcome.
Formed in November 1979, the society was the collaboration of ideas by three individuals, who wished to give the people of Barton and the surrounding villages the opportunity to perform on stage. The Society now regularly performs concerts, as well as entertaining capacity audiences in the annual production.
Rehearsals are held at Baysgarth School Hall every Tuesday evening, from 7.30pm until 9.30pm (term time only).
This club is open to all abilities, and meets every Monday evening from 7.30pm at the Corn Exchange Club.
Address: 8 Market Place, Barton-upon-Humber, DN18 5DA
Telephone: Mick Robinson, 01652 635945
Barton Lions was Chartered in 1970 and since then has donated monies and equipment to such organisations as Guide Dogs for the Blind, Macmillan Nurses, Lindsey Lodge Hospice, local schools, “Wish upon a Star”, and also give financial assistance to many individuals and groups of people. The group also runs the annual Barton Beer Festival, and the Bonfire and Fireworks display, both in Baysgarth Park.
Barton upon Humber Rotary Club is well known in the locality for a variety of projects, events and activities, especially its full Christmas programme which caters for all ages, from Christmas Dinners and an annual Christmas Concert for the Elderly, to Father Christmas for the youngsters and everything in between!
Brownies is about trying new things that teach girls aged seven to 10 about themselves, their community and their world. Girls go along to camps, holidays, day trips and sleep-overs. They get together with their friends at regular meetings where they learn new hobbies, play music, explore other cultures and have outdoor adventures.
1st Barton Brownies
Telephone: Sue Wind 01652 632334
2nd Barton Brownies
Telephone: Natalie Gray 07976 830462
Formed in 1998, the Society promotes and seeks improvement to the Barton to Cleethorpes railway service.
Guides have an exciting and varied programme designed to inspire and challenge girls from 10 – 14 years. What you do is up to you. You will choose from different badges and awards which will help you learn new skills and try new challenges. You can do some programmes independently, and others in small groups of Guides known as Patrols.
1st Barton Guides
Telephone: Vicky Wind 01652 637473
If you look after someone who is ill, frail, or disabled, then you are a carer. The North Lincolnshire Carers’ Support Centre works with groups and communities to promote free local services to carers, including emotional and practical support, training, health and wellbeing activities, and access to peer support groups.
Address: Jessie Wilcox House, 11 Redcombe Lane, Brigg, North Lincolnshire, DN20 8AU
Telephone: 01652 650585
Rainbows is a fun and exciting programme for girls aged five to seven, where they develop self-confidence, build friendships, learn new things and have fun. Girls get their hands dirty with arts and crafts, getting in touch with nature and playing games – it’s all about learning by doing.
Telephone: Vicky Wind, 01652 637473
The Salvation Army is based in a new purpose-built building on Tofts Road, and runs a weekly programme of activities, including:
12.30pm – Luncheon Club
1.45pm LEAFS (Learning, Enjoyment and Friendship Social Group including crafts}
9.30am – Bizzee Bees Parent & Toddlers
8.00pm – Bible Study (phone for venue)
9.30am – Bizzee Bees Parent & Toddlers
2.00pm – Friendship Hour
7.45pm – Songsters
9.15am – Prayer Meeting
10.00am – Morning Worship
11.30am – Super Sunday Club
5.30pm – Evening Worship
Address: The Salvation Army Hall, 114 Tofts Road, Barton upon Humber, DN18 5NG
Telephone: 01652 632666
Scouts aims to build and develop young people’s confidence, sense of adventure and outdoor skills, as well as encouraging them to explore their beliefs and attitudes and be creative. It offers them the independence to put these skills into practice at camps and even on international trips.
3rd Barton Scouts
Telephone: Jim Crosskell 01652 634696
An association of groups who represent the interests of the over 50s in Barton upon Humber. Contact Chairman Cllr. Ann Clark on 01652 634152 for more information.
The South Bank Players are a community drama group, performing in and around the Barton area. We perform the Barton Ghost Walk five times a year between October and March, we put on Murder Mystery plays at local pubs and for groups such as WI’s, and we provide costumed actors for events such as the Heritage Open Days. Our aim is to provide quality entertainment that is accessible to all. Rehearsals are usually on Sunday evenings from 7-9pm and the location depends on what we are working on. We are always ready to welcome new members whether they wish to act or help out in other ways.
St Mary’s Church has a number of activities and groups, including Toddler Time, Mothers’ Union, Ladies’ Group, Choir and the In-Depth Group. For more information, find details on the Church Notice Board.
The St. Mary’s Church Bell Ringers welcome beginners and experienced ringers. Practice is on Tuesday evenings at 7.30pm.
Telephone: 01652 635644
Ted Lewis (1940-1982) was a Barton novelist, graphic artist and jazz musician, most famous for the film Get Carter, supervising on The Beatles’ Yellow Submarine and playing piano in the Unity Jazz Band. The group commemorates how Lewis transformed British criminal noir in his nine novels, promoting exhibitions, readings and other events. The group is also establishing a permanent memorial in Barton to commemorate the writer and his work.
Telephone: Paul Dimoline, 07742648878
The Trinity Methodist Church runs a varied programme of activities and events throughout the week, and welcomes new members:
Informal Singing Group (first and third Monday of each month) – 6.30pm
‘Natter with a bit of Craft’
Trinity Friends (second and fourth Wednesday evenings of each month) – a ladies group for all ages, with a varied programme of talks, presentations from other organisations and charities, slide shows, crafts and quizzes.
Fellowship (first and third Wednesday afternoon of each month), 2.30pm – worship and a variety of presentations from visiting speakers, with refreshments.
Badminton – 7.30pm
Choral Group – 7.30pm
Older Persons’ Lunch – 12.00pm
Woodworking Club – 9.00am
Scrabble Club (third Friday afternoon of each month) – members have varying skills, but a common interest in enjoying the game and sharing time together.
Beetle Club (second Friday of each month) – the beetle drives are a wonderful opportunity for people to get together and have fun.
New Age Kurling (every other Saturday afternoon) 2.00pm, – an established social event in our community, and an opportunity for some light physical activity and fun. Anyone of any fitness level can enjoy this game!
Coffee Morning – 10.00am – 12.00pm (including second-hand book sale on second Saturday of each month)
Worship and Junior Church – 10.00am
Address: Chapel Lane, Barton-upon-Humber, DN18 5PJ
We walk locally and in East Yorkshire and meet the 3rd Saturday in the month and new members are most welcome. Walks are up to 6 to 7 miles. All ages welcome. For more details contact :Secretary Maggie Taylor on 01652 661651
Hidden History tells of Barton upon Humber's fascinating history through a collection of media including original and authentic photographs, video clips, narration and text.